Health & Fitness News
Goal Setting
One goal setting technique is made up of the acronine S.M.A.R.T Goals.
Remember this and you won’t go far wrong, so what does SMART stand for?
Well its that time of year again and all you think is “I`ll do this exercise” “do that exercise” “eat this” “eat that” it can be overwhelming and what’s worse most of the time there are no realistic time scales, you read the headline and that’s it, you want that type of body.
Wanting and getting the body, you want are two different things, but it is achievable if you follow a tried and tested way. Goal setting.
Goal setting is important to any person or athlete, to get further on new lifestyle you need points or goals to aim for weather its losing that last few pounds of winning that next medal. One goal setting technique is made up of the acronine S.M.A.R.T Goals.
Remember this and you won’t go far wrong, so what does SMART stand for?
S- specific
Be specific in what you want, its no good saying “I want to lose a few pounds” you need to think “ I going to lose 5lbs”
M- measurable
Be measurable, is your goal obtainable, can you measure it in stages, will you find out when you have hit your goal.
A – achievable
Think about it, are you going to be able to reach your goal, start small and get bigger. Don’t make your goals too big.
R- realistic
Be realistic, don’t just say I’m going to lose 6 stone or I’m going to run a marathon , these maybe your end goals, but I serious doubt you’ll do in in your first month.
T- time related
Be time related, how long is going to take you, for example, a health way to loss weight is 2lbs a week, so if you wanted to lose 1 stone this will take you 7 weeks.